Monday, 21 July 2014

“Connection with the Application Object Server could not be established”

Installing Dynamics AX 2009/2012 in two different domains or two different networks. AOS server in one domain ( network) and users and AX Client PC/ terminal servers in other domain ( network).
  1. When a AX client from a laptop attempts to connect to AOS you receive the following message or error “Connection with the Application Object Server could not be established”.
It is network problem and you can solve it.
Open host file (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) on the AX Client PC or Terminal Server. Add IP address of AOS server and AOS server name     AOSServer
in host file then Run the command nbtstat-R and start Dynamics AX Client.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Import Contoso Data Using Test Data Transfer Tool(Beta)

1-      Download the test data transfer tool from the below mentioned link.

2-      Download demo data for AX2012 R3 from partner source site.


  • Extract the demo data files from DynamicsAX2012R3DemoData.exe to a specific location.
  • The output folder will contain the files of following extension types:
  1. .OUT—– data file that contains metadata for AX transactional database
  2. .OutModel —- data file that contain metadata for AX model database
  3. .XML —- data file that contains AX table data.
  •  Run the Test Data Transfer Tool.Exe file to install the utility.


  • After successful installation, the folder will look like as shown below:
  • Open AX client and import the .XPO named (MetaDataXMLGenerator.Xpo)


  • On successful import a job will be created as shown below:
  • Run the job <MetadataXMLGenerator(usr)>, a  meta data file will be generated and the path will be displayed in the infolog as shown in the snapshot below:

  • Copy the metadata file from the above path and paste it in [lists] folder (where Test Data Transfer Tool has been extracted). If the file already exists, then overwrite the file.
  • Stop MS Dynamics AX service.
  • Open command prompt using administrator and navigate to the path where the Test Data Transfer Tool is extracted).
  • Run the following command:
Dp.exe Import “C:\R3DemoData\DynamicsAXR3DemoData” DynamicsAXR3
C:\R3DemoData\DynamicsAXR3DemoData—— update the path accordingly
DynamicsAXR3—— provide the actual database name.

If you are multiple instances of a database server then use below,
Dp.exe Import “C:\R3DemoData\DynamicsAXR3DemoData” DynamicsAXR3 “DatabaseServerName\InstanceName

If we enter ‘Y’, then following screen will open up describing the count for importing the table data and Error (if they come up)


  • The process may prolong depending upon machine configuration.
  • On successful import, Open AX client and data will show up.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Troubleshooting Help Server problems

Some time ago we get several problems with Help Server. Simply when we wanted to access help from Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2012 client we get following problems:
1. Error:
Unable to contact server http://ServerName:Port/DynamicsAXHelpServer/HelpService.svc
To troubleshoot this problem you need to check on client if you are able to access the help server service from Internet Explorer. The url for Help Server service you can find in System administrator > Setup > System > Help system parameters. When in IE you get error like:
Could not load type 'System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpModule'
then you need to apply following KB article:
2. The other problem we can see is that we get page with “No results” and we cannot see the content of help. For this issue there can be several causes:
a. Double check in Internet Explorer if you can retrieve help files by accessing ie. http://ServerName:Port/DynamicsAX6HelpServer/Content/Microsoft/EN-US/UserHelp/6a9bdc61-b19e-4cea-8890-805a4ccba8b2.htm?DocumentSet=UserDocumentation&ContentLanguage=en-us&ResourceLanguage=en-us
b. Double check if Windows Search Service is up and running
c. Check if content directory is indexed and indexing is finished (Control Panel > Indexing options)


d. In indexing options for File Type htm and html are “Index Properties and File Contents (You need to click Advanced button)


c. If you go to Advanced properties of directory Content the property “Archive and Index attributes” is set up to “Allow files is this folder to have contents indexed in addition to file properties”
d. This is very strange but if help server content is installed in directory of SharePoint ie: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\8082\DynamicsAX6HelpServer\Content the Search Service does not return correct files and the Help Server does not work correctly. So far we have no idea why does it happen but the workaround is to uninstall Help Server and install it on Web Application which physical path points to ie:  C:\inetpub\wwwroot\8082\DynamicsAX6HelpServer\Content